The aims and objectives of this online mandatory training for nurses package is to enable registered nurses to meet their mandatory training requirements in line with the Nursing and Midwifery Council and Skills for Health CSTF framework. This can either cover induction training, refresher, or as annual training update for nurses.
Who is this training course for?
This mandatory training for nurses online course programme is an ideal learning platform that can be completed at a time that is convenient to you and is an ideal training solution for:
- NHS medical, nursing, AHP and care staff
- Locum doctors and nurses
- Locum allied health professionals (AHPs)
- Agency nurses
- Healthcare assistants
- Support workers
- Care assistants
- Nursery staff
- Teachers and teaching staff
- Community services
E-learning mandatory training for nurses, what’s covered?
- Code of Professional Conduct
- Key Legislation and National Guidelines
- Understanding your Role and Responsibilities
- Criminal Convictions
- Fitness to Practice
- CSTF Health and Safety and Welfare, including:
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations
- Display Screen Equipment
- Risk Assessment
- Waste Management
- Bullying and Harassment
- Stress Management
- CSTF Information Governance CSTF, including:
- Caldicott Principles
- Confidentiality
- Information Security
- Data Protection
- Record Management
- Counter Fraud
- Documentation and Record Keeping
- CSTF Conflict Resolution CSTF, including:
- Effective Communication
- Handling Violence & Aggression
- Managing Risk, Minimising Restraint
- Lone Workers
- Complaints Handling
- Consent Training
- CSTF Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
- CSTF Safeguarding Adults Levels 1, 2 & 3
- CSTF Safeguarding Children Levels 1, 2 & 3
- CSTF Preventing Radicalisation Levels 1 & 2
- Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
- Mental Health Act
- Learning Disability Awareness
- Mental Health Awareness
- Dementia Awareness
- CSTF Infection Prevention and Control LevelS 1 & 2, including:
- Blood Borne Viruses
- Exposure Prone Procedures
- Spillages and Body Fluids
- Sharps Management
- Clinical Waste Management
- Food Safety Awareness Levels 1 & 2
- CSTF Fire Safety Awareness
- Manual Handling Objects Level 1
- CSTF Moving and Handling of People Levels 1 & 2
- CSTF Resuscitation – Basic Life Support (BLS) Levels 1 & 2, including:
- National Early Warning Score (NEWS)
- First Response
On completion of this mandatory training for nurses online course you will be required to complete an online assessment with a pass mark of 80%. If you do not pass on your first attempt, don’t worry, as you can re-take the online test as many times as you need with no extra charge. Once completed free online mandatory training for nurses course certification will be available as a download from within your own secure training area.
We also offer an Online BLS Training Healthcare and an Online ILS training programme that are also an ideal training solution for NHS nurses.
In addition we also offer fire marshal training through our dedicated fire marshal training website, which is also suitable for the healthcare environment. Further information can be found by following this link to our Online Fire Marshal Training website.
Course Certification
On successful completion of this e-learning course, you will be able to download, save or print your certificate. Our CPD certificate can be used to provide evidence for compliance and audit (recognised internationally).
Finally, all of our online training courses and programs are accredited by the CPD Certification Service as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.
Samantha A –
Lots of course, easy to navigate as well
Anonymous –
Yes I would recommend this training, many courses on offer to complete
Angela K –
Would recommend
Breanna M –
Yes an all round good set of courses